Friday, 23 December 2011

Festive Greetings

So I haven't posted in a long time. More than a month in fact. I've been quite stressed recently with things related to A215 and other things that aren't. Stress also makes ME/CFS worse so that hasn't helped.

I've decided to ignore A215 related stress for now and put my TMA02 on hold until after Christmas.

Merry Christmas and a happy New Year everyone. I hope you all have a good one.


Tuesday, 15 November 2011

Haiku Is Easier Than Brainstorming

I got my mark back for TMA01 a while ago. 63%.

I can do better. And I will. However, the next assignment is proving quite difficult. I have absolutely no idea what to write about. Hopefully something will come to me in the next few weeks.

As a distraction from my woes I decided to write some quick crappy haiku. Very topical crappy haiku at that.

Hand starts and pen drums.
Stops. Another false alarm.
Ideas are few.

Tuesday, 1 November 2011

Waiting and Character Creation

I'm waiting for my TMA01 results. But do I actually want them? I may crave the blissful ignorance of my current situation once I receive them. Clearly my confidence knows no bounds. Hahaha.

A good way to distract myself is with studying. I'm a little behind at the moment due to a post TMA slump so decided to skip some boring looking activities and went on to the next chapter. I'm glad to say it's a heck of a lot more interesting and I'm enjoying it more than previous chapters. The character creation exercises are quite fun and inspired me to post in my tutor group forum after a long absence.

Here's hoping my TMA results don't ruin my mood!

Sunday, 25 September 2011

The trouble with freewriting... that I'm not very good at it.

Freewriting is defined by Wikipedia as 'a prewriting technique in which a person writes continuously for a set period of time without regard to spelling, grammar, or topic.' Full article here.

If only it were that simple.

I've been doing it for a few days at the instruction of A215's workbook and finding it suprisingly dificult. My brain does not seem to work that spontaneously. Thoughts do not flow at the mere mention of a randomly chosen word or my own prompt to 'start writing now'.

Forcing myself to do it has had some results though. I'm hoping that with practice my limited ability to freewrite will improve. I really hope so.

Monday, 12 September 2011

Weekly Writing Challenge Week 6

After skipping most of them I finally feel like attempting a challenge. I quite enjoyed it and might consider doing more. Here's the challenge:

Week 6 - Twitterati

Write a piece of fiction using only 140 characters. This challenge is designed to make you think about your words, your letters and your punctuation. Write something that will allow your reader to fill in the blanks.

Remember, this is not 'up to 140 characters' - it is exactly 140 characters!

And my attempt:

Going to the zoo drunk was quite the bad idea. Trying to “liberate” the funny looking chimps from their enclosure was an extremely bad idea.

Saturday, 3 September 2011

Massive Brick Wall

I've fallen very far behind on the weekly challenge and I don't know if I'll catch up. A mixture of ME/CFS, travel and general stuck in a rutness has me feeling like I just can't be bothered.

Happily, the A215 course materials have been dispatched early. Perhaps when the BRB gets here and I've done some of the exercises I'll be inspired to get back to work. Hopefully.

Sunday, 21 August 2011

ME/CFS strikes again!

Hello all.

I had hoped to have written and posted my vignette for the second Weekly Writing Challenge by now. Annoyingly my ME/CFS has been a bit worse recently and I've not really felt up to writing anything. I might catch up within the next few days. I might not.

Hopefully I'll feel better before A215 starts in October.


Friday, 12 August 2011

Poem for Weekly Writing Challenge - Week 1

The challenge was to write a poem of 40 lines or less with 'Brutality' as the theme.

I decided to go about this a slightly different way rather than writing a dark poem. Please let me know what you think!


Waiting. Anticipation.
Eyes pinned to spoon, mouth.
Quiet but for the chewing and swallowing.
No thought process visible on face.
Nothing. Blank.

Impatience. A question.
Umming and ahhing now.
The same question repeated but louder.
How does it taste?
An answer. Brutal.

Humble Beginnings

Hello! I've decided to jump on the bandwagon of my fellow A215ers and start a blog. This is my first experience with Blogger so please bear with me while I iron out the imperfections. It is also going to take me a while to add all the other A215 blogs to my following list.

My next post should be my poem written for the Facebook prompt. I probably ought to get on with writing it then!
